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Recueils, anthologies et omnibus de l'imaginaire (SF, fantasy, merveilleux, fantastique, horreur, étrange) -
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Analog / Virtuel (2020, Analog/Virtual and Other Simulations of Your Future) de
LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya [Textes liés ou enchassés]Hachette - Rayon Imaginaire, 2022.
ISBN : 978-2-01-716408-1
Genre : SF
Sommaire :
- La Voleuse Dix-Pour-Cent (2020, The Ten-Percent Thief) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Les Monstres sous le lit (2020, Monsters Under the Bed) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Symphonie pour un adolescent déclassé (2020, Symphony for the DIsenfranchised Teenager) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Analog/Virtuel (2020, Analog/Virtual) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- ... Sur ce, bonne nuit (2020, ... Into That Good Night) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Bienvenue dans la machine (2020, Welcome to the Machine) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Full Metal poumon vert (2020, Full Metal Forest Breathing) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Le Police des Personas (2020, The Persona Police) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Parabole du coeur de la mer (2020, A Parable from the Heart of the Sea) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Avatars (2020, Avatars) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Les Poches (2020, Pockets) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Études (2020, Études) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Anatomie d'un nouvel ordre mondial (2020, Anatomy of a New World Order) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Le Temps (2020, Time) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- La Poudrière (2020, The Tinderbox) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Le Projet BE-Moji (2020, The BE-moji Project) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Nom de code : Dissident (2020, Codname: Dissentient) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Le Glitch des sept ans (2020, The Seven-Year Glitch) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Les Vagues (2020, Ripples) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
- Les Fourmis (2020, Ants) de LAKSHMINARAYAN Lavanya
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