Ce prix, créé en 1965, est décerné chaque anné par un jury constitué de membres de la société des auteurs de science-fiction d'Amérique (SFWA). Les prix de l'année N sont attribués fin avril-début mai de l'année N+1 et récompensent des oeuvres parues durant l'année N-1.
2023 | (Linghun) (Ai Jiang) | |
2022 | (Even Though I Knew the End) (C. L. Polk) | |
2021 | (And What Can We Offer You Tonight) (Premee Mohamed) | |
2020 | Ring Shout : Cantique rituel (Cantique rituel) (P. Djèlí Clark ) | |
2019 | Les Oiseaux du Temps (This Is How You Lose the Time War) (Amal El-Mohtar et Max Gladstone) | |
2018 | (The Tea Master and the Detective) (Aliette de Bodard) | |
2017 | Défaillances systèmes (All Systems Red) (Martha Wells) | |
2016 | Les Portes perdues (Every Heart a Doorway) (Seanan McGuire) | |
2015 | Binti (Binti) (Nnedi Okorafor) | |
2014 | (Yesterday’s Kin) (Nancy Kress) | |
2013 | (The Weight of the Sunrise) (Vylar Kaftan) | |
2012 | Après la chute (After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall) (Nancy Kress) | |
2011 | Un pont sur la brume (The Man Who Bridged the Mist) (Kij Johnson) | |
2010 | (The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen’s Window ) (Rachel Swirsky) | |
2009 | (The Women of Nell Gwynne's) (Kage Baker) | |
2008 | (The Spacetime Pool) (Catherine Asaro) | |
2007 | La Fontaine des âges (Fountain of Age) (Nancy Kress) | |
2006 | Fournaise (Burn) (James Patrick Kelly) | |
2005 | Magie pour débutants (Magic for Beginners) (Kelly Link) | |
2004 | (The Green Leopard Plague) (Walter Jon Williams) | |
2003 | Coraline (Coraline) (Neil Gaiman) | |
2002 | (Bronte's egg) (Richard Chwedyk) | |
2001 | (The ultimate earth) (Jack Williamson) | |
2000 | (Goddesses) (Linda Nagata) | |
1999 | L'histoire de ta vie (Story of your life) (Ted Chiang) | |
1998 | (Reading the bones) (Sheila Finch) | |
1997 | Abandonné sur place (Abandon in place) (Jerry Oltion) | |
1996 | (Da Vinci rising) (Jack Dann) | |
1995 | Dernier été à Mars Hill (Last summer at Mars Hill) (Elizabeth Hand) | |
1994 | Sept vues de la gorge d'Olduvaï (Seven views of Olduvai Gorge) (Mike Resnick) | |
1993 | La nuit où ils ont enterré Road Dog (The night we buried road dog) (Jack Cady) | |
1992 | Cité de vérité (City of truth) (James Morrow) | |
1991 | L'une rêve et l'autre pas (Beggars in Spain) (Nancy Kress) | |
1990 | Le vieil homme et son double (The Hemingway hoax) (Joe Haldeman) | |
1989 | Les montagnes du deuil (The mountains of Mourning) (Lois McMaster Bujold) | |
1988 | La dernière caravane / Le dernier des Winnebago (The last of the Winnebagos) (Connie Willis) | |
1987 | Le géomètre aveugle (The blind geometer) (Kim Stanley Robinson) | |
1986 | La perme (R & R) (Lucius Shepard) | |
1985 | Voile vers Bizance (Sailing to Byzantium) (Robert Silverberg) | |
1984 | Frappez : Entrée (Press Enter []) (John Varley) | |
1983 | (Hardfought) (Greg Bear) | |
1982 | (Another Orphan) (John Kessel) | |
1981 | Le jeu de Saturne (The Saturn game) (Poul Anderson) | |
1980 | Un vampire ordinaire (partiel) (Unicorn Tapestry) (Suzy McKee Charnas) | |
1979 | Enemy (Enemy mine) (Barry B. Longyear) | |
1978 | Persistance de la vision (The persistence of vision) (John Varley) | |
1977 | La danse des étoiles (Stardance) (Spider Robinson et Jeanne Robinson) | |
1976 | Houston, Houston, me recevez-vous ? (Houston, Houston, do you read?) (James Jr. Tiptree) | |
1975 | Le retour du bourreau (Home is the hangman) (Roger Zelazny) | |
1974 | Né avec les morts (Born with the dead) (Robert Silverberg) | |
1973 | La mort du Dr Ile (The death of Dr. Island) (Gene Wolfe) | |
1972 | Rendez-vous avec Méduse / Face à face avec Méduse (A meeting with Medusa) (Arthur C. Clarke) | |
1971 | Le disparu (The missing man) (Katherine Maclean) | |
1970 | Les épées de Lankhmar (Ill met in Lankhmar) (Fritz Leiber) | |
1969 | Un gars et son chien (A boy and his dog) (Harlan Ellison) | |
1968 | Le vol du Dragon (Dragonrider) (Anne McCaffrey) | |
1967 | Voici l'homme (Behold the man) (Michael Moorcock) | |
1966 | Le dernier château (The last castle) (Jack Vance) | |
1965 | L'arbre à salive (The saliva tree) (Brian W. Aldiss) | |
Le façonneur (He who shapes) (Roger Zelazny) ex-aequos |
2023 | (The Year Without Sunshine) (Naomi Kritzer) | |
2022 | (If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You) (John Chu) | |
2021 | (O2 Arena) (Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki) | |
2020 | Deux vérités, un mensonge (Two Truths and a Lie) (Sarah Pinsker ) | |
2019 | (Carpe Glitter) (Cat Rambo) | |
2018 | (The Only Harmless Great Thing) (Brooke Bolander) | |
2017 | (A Human Stain) (Kelly Robson) | |
2016 | (The Long Fall Up) (William Ledbetter) | |
2015 | (Our Lady of the Open Road) (Sarah Pinsker) | |
2014 | (A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai'i) (Alaya Dawn Johnson) | |
2013 | (The Waiting Stars) (Aliette de Bodard) | |
2012 | (Close Encounters) (Andy Duncan) | |
2011 | Ce que nous avons trouvé (What We Found) (Geoff Ryman) | |
2010 | (That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made) (Eric James Stone) | |
2009 | Masques (Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest - Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast) (Eugie Foster) | |
2008 | (Pride and Prometheus) (John Kessel) | |
2007 | Le marchand et la porte de l'alchimiste (The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate) (Ted Chiang) | |
2006 | (Two Hearts) (Peter S. Beagle) | |
2005 | Le sac à main féerique (The Faery Handbag) (Kelly Link) | |
2004 | (Basement Magic) (Ellen Klages) | |
2003 | L'empire de la crême glacée (The empire of ice cream) (Jeffrey Ford) | |
2002 | L'enfer, quand Dieu n'est pas présent (Hell is the absence of god) (Ted Chiang) | |
2001 | Le fantôme de Louise (Louise's ghost) (Kelly Link) | |
2000 | (Daddy's world) (Walter Jon Williams) | |
1999 | (Mars is no place for children) (Mary A. Turzillo) | |
1998 | (Lost girls) (Jane Yolen) | |
1997 | Les fleurs de la prison d'Aulite (The flowers of Aulit Prison) (Nancy Kress) | |
1996 | L'autre bord (Lifeboat on a burning sea) (Bruce Holland Rogers) | |
1995 | Solitude (Solitude) (Ursula K. Le Guin) | |
1994 | L'enfant de Mars (The martian child) (David Gerrold) | |
1993 | Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my mind) (Charles Sheffield) | |
1992 | (Danny goes to Mars) (Pamela Sargent) | |
1991 | Chien d'aveugle (Guide dog) (Mike Conner) | |
1990 | La tour de Babylone (Tower of Babylon) (Ted Chiang) | |
1989 | Au Rialto (At the Rialto) (Connie Willis) | |
1988 | Le chat de Schrödinger (Schrödinger's kitten) (George Alec Effinger) | |
1987 | Rachel amoureuse (Rachel in love) (pat Murphy) | |
1986 | (The girl who fell into the sky) (Kate Wilhelm) | |
1985 | Portrait de famille (Portraits of his children) (George R.R. Martin) | |
1984 | (Blood child) (Octavia E. Butler) | |
1983 | Le chant des leucocytes (Blood music) (Greg Bear) | |
1982 | Les veilleurs du feu (Fire watch) (Connie Willis) | |
1981 | Retour à la vie (The quikening) (Michaël Bishop) | |
1980 | Les vilains poulets (The ugly chickens) (Howard Waldrop) | |
1979 | Rois des sables (Sandkings) (George R.R. Martin) | |
1978 | (A glow of candles, a unicorn's eye) (Charles L. Grant) | |
1977 | Comme des mouches (The screwfly solution) (Raccoona Sheldon) | |
1976 | L'homme bicentenaire (The bicentennial man) (Isaac Asimov) | |
1975 | San Diego lightfoot Sue (San Diego Lightfoot Sue) (Tom Reamy) | |
1974 | Les étoiles, si elles sont divines (If the stars are gods) (Gregory Benford et Gordon Eklund) | |
1973 | De brume, d'herbe et de sable / De source, sêve et sable (Of mist, and grass, and sand) (Vonda N. McIntyre) | |
1972 | Le chant du barde (Goat song) (Poul Anderson) | |
1971 | La reine de l'air et des ténèbres (The queen of air and darkness) (Poul Anderson) | |
1970 | Sculpture lente (Slow sculpture) (Theodore Sturgeon) | |
1969 | Le temps considéré comme une hélice de pierres semi-précieuses (Time considered as a helix of semi-precious stones) (Samuel Delany) | |
1968 | Pastorale pour une terre qui meurt (Mother to the world) (Richard Wilson) | |
1967 | En poussant les osselets (Gonna roll the bones) (Fritz Leiber) | |
1966 | (Call him Lord) (Gordon R. Dickson) | |
1965 | Les portes de son visage, les lampes de sa bouche (The doors of his face, the lamps of his mouth) (Roger Zelazny) |
2023 | (Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200) (R. S. A. Garcia) | |
2022 | (Rabbit Test) (Samantha Mills) | |
2021 | (Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather) (Sarah Pinsker) | |
2020 | (Open House on Haunted Hill) (John Wiswell) | |
2019 | (Give the Familly my Love) (A.T. Greenblatt) | |
2018 | (The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington) (P. Djèlí Clark) | |
2017 | (Welcome to Your Authentic Indian ExperienceTM) (Rebecca Roanhorse) | |
2016 | (Seasons of Glass and Iron) (Amal El-Mohtar) | |
2015 | (Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers) (Alyssa Wong) | |
2014 | (Jackalope Wives) (Ursula Vernon) | |
2013 | (If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love) (Rachel Swirsky) | |
2012 | Immersion (Immersion) (Aliette de Bodard) | |
2011 | La ménagerie de papier (The Paper Menagerie) (Ken Liu) | |
2010 | (Ponies) (Kij Johnson) | |
(How Interesting: A Tiny Man) (Harlan Ellison) ex-aequos | ||
2009 | Mêlée (Spar) (Kij Johnson) | |
2008 | (Trophy Wives) (Nina Kiriki Hoffman) | |
2007 | (Always) (Karen Joy Fowler) | |
2006 | Echo (Echo) (Elizabeth Hand) | |
2005 | (I live with you) (Carol Emshwiller) | |
2004 | (Coming to Terms) (Eileen Gunn) | |
2003 | (What I didn't see) (Karen Joy Fowler) | |
2002 | (Creature) (Carol Emshwiller) | |
2001 | (The cure for everything) (Severna Park) | |
2000 | meucs (macs) (Terry Bisson) | |
1999 | (The cost of doing business) (Leslie What) | |
1998 | Treize chemins pour l'eau (Thirteen ways to water) (Bruce Holland Rogers) | |
1997 | (Sister Emily's lightship) (Jane Yolen) | |
1996 | (A birthday) (Esther M. Friesner) | |
1995 | La mort et la bibliothécaire (Death and the librarian) (Esther M. Friesner) | |
1994 | Plaidoyer pour les contrats sociaux (A defense of the social contracts) (Martha Soukup) | |
1993 | (Graves) (Joe Haldeman) | |
1992 | Même sa majesté (Even the queen) (Connie Willis) | |
1991 | Ma Qui (Ma Qui) (Alan Brennert) | |
1990 | Le jour où les ours ont découvert le feu (Bears discover fire) (Terry Bisson) | |
1989 | Quelques rides sur la mer de Dirac (Ripples in the Dirac Sea) (Geoffrey A. Landis) | |
1988 | (Bible stories for adults No. 17 : the deluge) (James Morrow) | |
1987 | A toi pour toujours, Anna (Forever yours, Anna) (Kate Wilhelm) | |
1986 | Tangentes (Tangents) (Greg Bear) | |
1985 | les visiteurs (Out of all them bright stars) (Nancy Kress) | |
1984 | Enfant du matin (Morning child) (Gardner R. Dozois) | |
1983 | Apaisement (The peacemaker) (Gardner R. Dozois) | |
1982 | Une lettre des Cleary (A letter from the Clearys) (Connie Willis) | |
1981 | La flûte d'os (The bone flute) (Lisa Tuttle) | |
1980 | La grotte du cerf qui danse (Grotto of the dancing deer) (Clifford D. Simak) | |
1979 | (GiANTS) (Edward Bryant) | |
1978 | Chant de pierre (Stone) (Edward Bryant) | |
1977 | Jeffty, cinq ans (Jeffty is five) (Harlan Ellison) | |
1976 | Une foule d'ombre (A crowd of shadows) (Charles L. Grant) | |
1975 | Dernier zeppelin pour cet univers (Catch that zeppelin) (Fritz Leiber) | |
1974 | A la veille de la révolution (The day before the revolution) (Ursula K. Le Guin) | |
1973 | Le plan est l'amour, le plan est la mort (Love is the plan, the plan is death) (James Jr. Tiptree) | |
1972 | Lorsque tout changea (When it changed) (Joanna Russ) | |
1971 | Bonnes nouvelles du Vatican (Good news from the Vatican) (Robert Silverberg) | |
1970 | (non attribué) | |
1969 | Passagers (Passengers) (Robert Silverberg) | |
1968 | Les planificateurs (The planners) (Kate Wilhelm) | |
1967 | Et pour toujours Gomorrhe/Ouais, et Gomorrhe (Aye, and Gomorrah) (Samuel Delany) | |
1966 | (The secret place) (Richard McKenna) | |
1965 | "Repens-toi Arlequin", dit M. Tic-Tac ('Repent, Harlequin !' said the Ticktockman) (Harlan Ellison) |