Ce prix, créé en 1965, est décerné chaque anné par un jury constitué de membres de la société des auteurs de SF d'Amérique (SFWA).
Voir le site de la SFWA (lien ci-dessus) pour plus d'informations.
1965 | Dune (Dune) (HERBERT Frank) | |
1966 | Des fleurs pour Algernon (Flowers for Algernon) (KEYES Daniel) | |
Babel 17 (Babel 17) (DELANY Samuel) ex-aequos | ||
1967 | L'Intersection Einstein (The Einstein Intersection) (DELANY Samuel) | |
1968 | Rite de passage (Rite of Passage) (PANSHIN Alexei) | |
1969 | La Main gauche de la nuit (The Left Hand of Darkness) (LE GUIN Ursula K.) | |
1970 | L'Anneau-Monde (Ringworld) (NIVEN Larry) | |
1971 | Le Temps des changements (A Time of Changes) (SILVERBERG Robert) | |
1972 | Les Dieux eux-mêmes (The Gods Themselves) (ASIMOV Isaac) | |
1973 | Rendez-vous avec Rama (Rendezvous With Rama) (CLARKE Arthur C.) | |
1974 | Les Dépossédés (The Dispossessed) (LE GUIN Ursula K.) | |
1975 | La Guerre éternelle (The Forever War) (HALDEMAN Joe) | |
1976 | Homme-plus (Man Plus) (POHL Frederik) | |
1977 | La Grande Porte (Gateway) (POHL Frederik) | |
1978 | Le Serpent du rêve (Dreamsnake) (McINTYRE Vonda N.) | |
1979 | Les Fontaines du paradis (The Fountains of Paradise) (CLARKE Arthur C.) | |
1980 | Un paysage du temps (Timescape) (BENFORD Gregory) | |
1981 | La Griffe du demi-dieu (The Claw of the Conciliator) (WOLFE Gene) | |
1982 | (No Enemy but Time) (BISHOP Michael) | |
1983 | Marée Stellaire (Startide Rising) (BRIN David) | |
1984 | Neuromancien (Neuromancer) (GIBSON William) | |
1985 | La Stratégie Ender (Ender's Game) (CARD Orson Scott) | |
1986 | La Voix des morts (Speaker for the Dead) (CARD Orson Scott) | |
1987 | La Cité des ombres (The Falling Woman) (MURPHY Pat) | |
1988 | Opération Cay (Falling Free) (BUJOLD Lois McMaster) | |
1989 | (The Healer's War) (SCARBOROUGH Elizabeth) | |
1990 | Tehanu (Tehanu: the Last Book of Earthsea) (LE GUIN Ursula K.) | |
1991 | Stations des profondeurs (Stations of the Tide) (SWANWICK Michael) | |
1992 | Le Grand Livre (Doomsday Book) (WILLIS Connie) | |
1993 | Mars la rouge (Red Mars) (ROBINSON Kim Stanley) | |
1994 | L'envol de Mars (Moving Mars) (BEAR Greg) | |
1995 | Expérience terminale (Hobson's choice/The Terminal Experiment) (SAWYER Robert J.) | |
1996 | (Slow River) (GRIFFITH Nicola) | |
1997 | La Lune et le Roi-Soleil (The Moon and the Sun) (McINTYRE Vonda N.) | |
1998 | La Paix éternelle (Forever Peace) (HALDEMAN Joe) | |
1999 | La Parabole des talents (Parable of the Talents) (BUTLER Octavia E.) | |
2000 | L’Échelle de Darwin (Darwin's Radio) (BEAR Greg) | |
2001 | Quantum Rose (Quantum Rose) (ASARO Catherine) | |
2002 | American gods (American Gods) (GAIMAN Neil) | |
2003 | La Vitesse de l'obscurité (The Speed of Dark) (MOON Elizabeth) | |
2004 | Paladin des âmes (Paladin of Souls) (BUJOLD Lois McMaster) | |
2005 | (Camouflage) (HALDEMAN Joe) | |
2006 | Seeker (Seeker) (McDEVITT Jack) | |
2007 | Le Club des policiers yiddish (The Yiddish Policemen's Union) (CHABON Michael) | |
2008 | Pouvoirs (Powers) (LE GUIN Ursula K.) | |
2009 | La Fille automate (The Windup Girl) (BACIGALUPI Paolo) | |
2010 | Blackout/All Clear (Blackout/All Clear) (WILLIS Connie) | |
2011 | Morwena (Among Others) (WALTON Jo) | |
2012 | 2312 (2312) (ROBINSON Kim Stanley) | |
2013 | La Justice de l'Ancillaire (Ancillary Justice) (LECKIE Ann) | |
2014 | Annihilation (Annihilation) (VANDERMEER Jeff) | |
2015 | Déraciné (Unprooted) (NOVIK Naomi) | |
2016 | Tous les oiseaux du ciel (All the Birds in the Sky) (ANDERS Charlie Jane) | |
2017 | Les Cieux pétrifiés (The Stone Sky) (JEMISIN N.K.) | |
2018 | Vers les étoiles (The Calculating Stars) (KOWAI Mary Robinette) | |
2019 | (A Song for a New Day) (PINSKER Sarah) | |
2020 | Effets de réseau (Network Effect) (WELLS Martha) | |
2021 | Maître des djinns (A Master of Djinn) (CLARK P. Djèlí) | |
2022 | Babel (Babel) (KUANG K.F.) | |
2023 | Les Portes de lumière (The Saint of Bright Doors) (CHANDRASEKERA Vajra) |
1965 | Novella : | L'Arbre à salive (The Saliva Tree) (ALDISS Brian W.) |
Novella : | Le Façonneur (He Who Shapes) (ZELAZNY Roger) ex-aequos | |
Novelette : | Les Portes de son visage, les lampes de sa bouche (The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth) (ZELAZNY Roger) | |
Short story : | "Repens-toi Arlequin", dit M. Tic-Tac ('Repent, Harlequin !' Said the Ticktockman) (ELLISON Harlan) | |
1966 | Novella : | Le Dernier Château (The Last Castle) (VANCE Jack) |
Novelette : | (Call Him Lord) (DICKSON Gordon R.) | |
Short story : | (The Secret Place) (McKENNA Richard) | |
1967 | Novella : | Voici l'homme (Behold the Man) (MOORCOCK Michael) |
Novelette : | En poussant les osselets (Gonna Roll the Bones) (LEIBER Fritz) | |
Short story : | Et pour toujours Gomorrhe/Ouais, et Gomorrhe (Aye, and Gomorrah) (DELANY Samuel) | |
1968 | Novella : | Le Vol du dragon (Dragonrider) (McCAFFREY Anne) |
Novelette : | Pastorale pour une terre qui meurt (Mother to the World) (WILSON Richard) | |
Short story : | Les Planificateurs (The Planners) (WILHELM Kate) | |
1969 | Novella : | Un gars et son chien (A Boy and His Dog) (ELLISON Harlan) |
Novelette : | Le Temps considéré comme une hélice de pierres semi-précieuses (Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones) (DELANY Samuel) | |
Short story : | Passagers (Passengers) (SILVERBERG Robert) | |
1970 | Novella : | Les Épées de Lankhmar (Ill Met in Lankhmar) (LEIBER Fritz) |
Novelette : | Sculpture lente (Slow Sculpture) (STURGEON Theodore) | |
Short story : | ||
1971 | Novella : | Le Disparu (The Missing Man) (McLEAN Katherine) |
Novelette : | La Reine de l'air et des ténèbres (The Queen of Air and Darkness) (ANDERSON Poul) | |
Short story : | Bonnes nouvelles du Vatican (Good News From the Vatican) (SILVERBERG Robert) | |
1972 | Novella : | Rendez-vous avec Méduse / Face à face avec Méduse (A Meeting With Medusa) (CLARKE Arthur C.) |
Novelette : | Le Chant du barde (Goat Song) (ANDERSON Poul) | |
Short story : | Lorsque tout changea (When it Changed) (RUSS Joanna) | |
1973 | Novella : | La Mort du Dr Ile (The Death of Dr. Island) (WOLFE Gene) |
Novelette : | De brume, d'herbe et de sable / De source, sève et sable (Of Mist, and Grass, and Sand) (McINTYRE Vonda N.) | |
Short story : | Le plan est l'amour, le plan est la mort (Love is the Plan, the Plan is Death) (TIPTREE James Jr.) | |
1974 | Novella : | Né avec les morts (Born With the Dead) (SILVERBERG Robert) |
Novelette : | Les étoiles, si elles sont divines (If the Stars Are Gods) (BENFORD Gregory, EKLUND Gordon) | |
Short story : | A la veille de la révolution (The Day Before the Revolution) (LE GUIN Ursula K.) | |
1975 | Novella : | Le Retour du bourreau (Home is the Hangman) (ZELAZNY Roger) |
Novelette : | San Diego lightfoot Sue (San Diego Lightfoot Sue) (REAMY Tom) | |
Short story : | Dernier zeppelin pour cet univers (Catch that Zeppelin) (LEIBER Fritz) | |
1976 | Novella : | Houston, Houston, me recevez-vous ? (Houston, Houston, Do You Read?) (TIPTREE James Jr.) |
Novelette : | L'Homme bicentenaire (The Bicentennial Man) (ASIMOV Isaac) | |
Short story : | Une foule d'ombre (A Crowd of Shadows) (GRANT Charles L.) | |
1977 | Novella : | La Danse des étoiles (Stardance) (ROBINSON Spider, ROBINSON Jeanne) |
Novelette : | Comme des mouches (The Screwfly Solution) (SHELDON Raccoona) | |
Short story : | Jeffty, cinq ans (Jeffty is Five) (ELLISON Harlan) | |
1978 | Novella : | Persistance de la vision (The Persistence of Vision) (VARLEY John) |
Novelette : | (A Glow of Candles, a Unicorn's Eye) (GRANT Charles L.) | |
Short story : | Chant de pierre (Stone) (BRYANT Edward) | |
1979 | Novella : | Enemy (Enemy Mine) (LONGYEAR Barry B.) |
Novelette : | Rois des sables (Sandkings) (MARTIN George R.R.) | |
Short story : | (GiANTS) (BRYANT Edward) | |
1980 | Novella : | Un vampire ordinaire (partiel) (Unicorn Tapestry) (McKEE CHARNAS Suzy) |
Novelette : | Les Vilains Poulets (The Ugly Chickens) (WALDROP Howard) | |
Short story : | La Grotte du cerf qui danse (Grotto of the Dancing Deer) (SIMAK Clifford D.) | |
1981 | Novella : | Le Jeu de Saturne (The Saturn Game) (ANDERSON Poul) |
Novelette : | Retour à la vie (The Quikening) (BISHOP Michaël) | |
Short story : | La Flûte d'os (The Bone Flute) (TUTTLE Lisa) | |
1982 | Novella : | (Another Orphan) (KESSEL John) |
Novelette : | Les Veilleurs du feu (Fire Watch) (WILLIS Connie) | |
Short story : | Une lettre des Cleary (A Letter from the Clearys) (WILLIS Connie) | |
1983 | Novella : | (Hardfought) (BEAR Greg) |
Novelette : | Le Chant des leucocytes (Blood Music) (BEAR Greg) | |
Short story : | Apaisement (The Peacemaker) (DOZOIS Gardner R.) | |
1984 | Novella : | Frappez : Entrée (Press Enter []) (VARLEY John) |
Novelette : | Enfants de sang (Blood Child) (BUTLER Octavia E.) | |
Short story : | Enfant du matin (Morning Child) (DOZOIS Gardner R.) | |
1985 | Novella : | Voile vers Bizance (Sailing to Byzantium) (SILVERBERG Robert) |
Novelette : | Portrait de famille (Portraits of His Children) (MARTIN George R.R.) | |
Short story : | les visiteurs (Out of All Them Bright Stars) (KRESS Nancy) | |
1986 | Novella : | La Perme (R & R) (SHEPARD Lucius) |
Novelette : | (The Girl Who Fell into the Sky) (WILHELM Kate) | |
Short story : | Tangentes (Tangents) (BEAR Greg) | |
1987 | Novella : | Le Géomètre aveugle (The Blind Geometer) (ROBINSON Kim Stanley) |
Novelette : | Rachel amoureuse (Rachel in Love) (MURPHY pat) | |
Short story : | A toi pour toujours, Anna (Forever Yours, Anna) (WILHELM Kate) | |
1988 | Novella : | La Dernière Caravane / Le Dernier des Winnebago (The Last of the Winnebagos) (WILLIS Connie) |
Novelette : | Le Chat de Schrödinger (Schrödinger's Kitten) (EFFINGER George Alec) | |
Short story : | (Bible Stories for Adults No. 17: the Deluge) (MORROW James) | |
1989 | Novella : | Les Montagnes du deuil (The Mountains of Mourning) (McMASTER BUJOLD Lois) |
Novelette : | Au Rialto (At the Rialto) (WILLIS Connie) | |
Short story : | Quelques rides sur la mer de Dirac (Ripples in the Dirac Sea) (LANDIS Geoffrey A.) | |
1990 | Novella : | Le Vieil Homme et son double (The Hemingway Hoax) (HALDEMAN Joe) |
Novelette : | La Tour de Babylone (Tower of Babylon) (CHIANG Ted) | |
Short story : | Le Jour où les ours ont découvert le feu (Bears Discover Fire) (BISSON Terry) | |
1991 | Novella : | L'une rêve et l'autre pas (Beggars in Spain) (KRESS Nancy) |
Novelette : | Chien d'aveugle (Guide Dog) (CONNER Mike) | |
Short story : | Ma Qui (Ma Qui) (BRENNERT Alan) | |
1992 | Novella : | Cité de vérité (City of Truth) (MORROW James) |
Novelette : | (Danny Goes to Mars) (SARGENT Pamela) | |
Short story : | Même sa majesté (Even the Queen) (WILLIS Connie) | |
1993 | Novella : | La Nuit où ils ont enterré Road Dog (The Night we Buried Road Dog) (CADY Jack) |
Novelette : | Georgia on my mind (Georgia on my Mind) (SHEFFIELD Charles) | |
Short story : | (Graves) (HALDEMAN Joe) | |
1994 | Novella : | Sept vues de la gorge d'Olduvaï (Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge) (RESNICK Mike) |
Novelette : | L'Enfant de Mars (The Martian Child) (GERROLD David) | |
Short story : | Plaidoyer pour les contrats sociaux (A Defense of the Social Contracts) (SOUKUP Martha) | |
1995 | Novella : | Dernier été à Mars Hill (Last Summer at Mars Hill) (HAND Elisabeth) |
Novelette : | Solitude (Solitude) (LE GUIN Ursula K.) | |
Short story : | La Mort et la bibliothécaire (Death and the Librarian) (FRIESNER Esther M.) | |
1996 | Novella : | (Da Vinci Rising) (DANN Jack) |
Novelette : | L'Autre Bord (Lifeboat on a Burning Sea) (ROGERS Bruce Holland) | |
Short story : | (A Birthday) (FRIESNER Esther M.) | |
1997 | Novella : | Abandonné sur place (Abandon in Place) (OLTION Jerry) |
Novelette : | Les Fleurs de la prison d'Aulite (The Flowers of Aulit Prison) (KRESS Nancy) | |
Short story : | (Sister Emily's Lightship) (YOLEN Jane) | |
1998 | Novella : | (Reading the Bones) (FINCH Sheila) |
Novelette : | (Lost Girls) (YOLEN Jane) | |
Short story : | Treize chemins pour l'eau (Thirteen Ways to Water) (ROGERS Bruce Holland) | |
1999 | Novella : | L'Histoire de ta vie (Story of Your Life) (CHIANG Ted) |
Novelette : | (Mars is No Place for Children) (TURZILLO Mary A.) | |
Short story : | (The Cost of Doing Business) (WHAT Leslie) | |
2000 | Novella : | (Goddesses) (NAGATA Linda) |
Novelette : | (Daddy's World) (WILLIAMS Walter Jon) | |
Short story : | meucs (macs) (BISSON Terry) | |
2001 | Novella : | (The Ultimate Earth) (WILLIAMSON Jack) |
Novelette : | Le Fantôme de Louise (Louise's Ghost) (LINK Kelly) | |
Short story : | (The Cure for Everything) (PARK Severna) | |
2002 | Novella : | (Bronte's Egg) (CHWEDIK Richard) |
Novelette : | L'Enfer, quand Dieu n'est pas présent (Hell is the Absence of God) (CHIANG Ted) | |
Short story : | (Creature) (EMSHWILLER Carol) | |
2003 | Novella : | Coraline (Coraline) (GAIMAN Neil) |
Novelette : | L'Empire de la crème glacée (The Empire of Ice Cream) (FORD Jeffrey) | |
Short story : | (What I Didn't See) (FOWLER Karen Joy) | |
2004 | Novella : | (The Green Leopard Plague) (WILLIAMS Walter Jon) |
Novelette : | (Basement Magic) (KLAGES Ellen) | |
Short story : | (Coming to Terms) (GUNN Eileen) | |
2005 | Novella : | Magie pour débutants (Magic for Beginners) (LINK Kelly) |
Novelette : | Le Sac à main féerique (The Faery Handbag) (LINK Kelly) | |
Short story : | (I live with you) (EMSHWILLER Carol) | |
2006 | Novella : | Fournaise (Burn) (KELLY James Patrick) |
Novelette : | (Two Hearts) (BEAGLE Peter S.) | |
Short story : | Echo (Echo) (HAND Elizabeth) | |
2007 | Novella : | La Fontaine des âges (Fountain of Age) (KRESS Nancy) |
Novelette : | Le Marchand et la porte de l'alchimiste (The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate) (CHIANG Ted) | |
Short story : | (Always) (FOWLER Karen Joy) | |
2008 | Novella : | (The Spacetime Pool) (ASARO Catherine) |
Novelette : | (Pride and Prometheus) (KESSEL John) | |
Short story : | (Trophy Wives) (HOFFMAN Nina Kiriki) | |
2009 | Novella : | (The Women of Nell Gwynne's) (BAKER Kage) |
Novelette : | Masques (Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest - Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast) (FOSTER Eugie) | |
Short story : | Mêlée (Spar) (JOHNSON Kij) | |
2010 | Novella : | (The Lady Who Plucked Red Flowers beneath the Queen’s Window) (SWIRSKY Rachel) |
Novelette : | (That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made) (STONE Eric James) | |
Short story : | (Ponies) (JOHNSON Kij) | |
Short story : | (How Interesting: A Tiny Man) (ELLISON Harlan) ex-aequos | |
2011 | Novella : | Un pont sur la brume (The Man Who Bridged the Mist) (JOHNSON Kij) |
Novelette : | Ce que nous avons trouvé (What We Found) (RYMAN Geoff) | |
Short story : | La Ménagerie de papier (The Paper Menagerie) (LIU Ken) | |
2012 | Novella : | Après la chute (After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall) (KRESS Nancy) |
Novelette : | (Close Encounters) (DUNCAN Andy) | |
Short story : | Immersion (Immersion) (BODARD Aliette de) | |
2013 | Novella : | (The Weight of the Sunrise) (KAFTAN Vylar) |
Novelette : | (The Waiting Stars) (BODARD Aliette de) | |
Short story : | (If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love) (SWIRSKY Rachel) | |
2014 | Novella : | (Yesterday’s Kin) (KRESS Nancy) |
Novelette : | (A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai’i) (JOHNSON Alaya Dawn) | |
Short story : | (Jackalope Wives) (VERNON Ursula) | |
2015 | Novella : | Binti (Binti) (OKORAFOR Nnedi) |
Novelette : | (Our Lady of the Open Road) (PINSKER Sarah) | |
Short story : | (Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers) (WONG Alyssa) | |
2016 | Novella : | Les Portes perdues (Every Heart a Doorway) (MCGUIRE Seanan) |
Novelette : | (The Long Fall Up) (LEDBETTER William) | |
Short story : | (Seasons of Glass and Iron) (EL-MOHTAR Amal) | |
2017 | Novella : | Défaillances systèmes (All Systems Red) (WELLS Martha) |
Novelette : | (A Human Stain) (ROBSON Kelly) | |
Short story : | (Welcome to Your Authentic Indian ExperienceTM) (ROANHORSE Rebecca) | |
2018 | Novella : | (The Tea Master and the Detective) (BODARD Aliette de) |
Novelette : | (The Only Harmless Great Thing) (BOLANDER Brooke) | |
Short story : | (The Secret Lives of the Nine Negro Teeth of George Washington) (CLARK Phenderson Djèlí) | |
2019 | Novella : | Les Oiseaux du Temps (This Is How You Lose the Time War) (EL-MOHTAR Amal, GLADSTONE Max) |
Novelette : | (Carpe Glitter) (RAMBO Cat) | |
Short story : | (Give the Familly my Love) (GREENBLATT A.T.) | |
2020 | Novella : | Ring Shout (Ring Shout) (CLARK P. Djèli) |
Novelette : | (Two Truths and a Lie) (PINSKER Sarah) | |
Short story : | (Open House on Haunted Hill) (WISWELL John) | |
2021 | Novella : | (And What Can We Offer You Tonight) (MOHAMED Premee) |
Novelette : | (O2 Arena) (EKPEKI Oghenechovwe Donald) | |
Short story : | (Where Oaken Hearts Do Gather) (PINSKER Sarah) | |
2022 | Novella : | (Even Though I Knew the End) (POLK C.L.) |
Novelette : | (If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You) (CHU John) | |
Short story : | (Rabbit Test) (MILLS Samantha) | |
2023 | Novella : | (Linghun) (JIANG Ai) |
Novelette : | (The Year Without Sunshine) (KRITZER Naomi) | |
Short story : | (Tantie Merle and the Farmhand 4200) (GARCIA R. S. A.) |
1974 | HEINLEIN Robert | |
1975 | WILLIAMSON Jack | |
1976 | SIMAK Clifford D. | |
1978 | DE CAMP Lyon Sprague | |
1981 | LEIBER Fritz | |
1983 | NORTON André | |
1985 | CLARKE Arthur C. | |
1986 | ASIMOV Isaac | |
1987 | BESTER Alfred | |
1988 | BRADBURY Ray | |
1990 | DEL REY Lester | |
1992 | POHL Frederik | |
1994 | KNIGHT Damon | |
1995 | VAN VOGT Alfred E. | |
1996 | VANCE Jack | |
1997 | ANDERSON Poul | |
1998 | CLEMENT Hal | |
1999 | ALDISS Brian W. | |
2002 | LE GUIN Ursula K. | |
2003 | SILVERBERG Robert | |
2004 | McCAFFREY Anne | |
2005 | ELLISON Harlan | |
2006 | GUNN James E. | |
2007 | MOORCOCK Michael | |
2008 | HARRISON Harry | |
2009 | HALDEMAN Joe | |
2010 | ||
2011 | WILLIS Connie | |
2012 | WOLFE Gene | |
2013 | DELANY Samuel | |
2014 | NIVEN Larry | |
2015 | CHERRYH Carolyn J. | |
2016 | YOLEN Jane | |
2017 | BEAGLE Peter S. | |
2023 | COOPER Susan |
1998 | TENN William | |
1999 | KEYES Daniel | |
2006 | COMPTON D.G. | |
2007 | MAYHAR Ardath |