Ce prix est décerné par un jury constitué des participants aux conventions nationales de SF australienne. La catégorie du roman étranger ("Best International Fiction") est abandonnée en 1990.
2024 | (Bitters) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2023 | (The Smell of Waiting) (Kaaron Warren) | |
(Remnants and Bad Water) (Kaaron Warren ) ex-aequos | ||
2022 | (Ariadne, I Love You) (J. Ashley-Smith) | |
2021 | (Flyaway) (Kathleen Jennings) | |
2020 | (non attribué) | |
2019 | (Cabaret of Monsters) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2018 | (Girl Reporter) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2017 | (Did We Break the End of the World?) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2016 | (Of Sorrow and Such) (Angela Slatter) | |
2015 | (The Legend Trap) (Sean Williams) | |
2014 | (The Home for Broken Dolls) (Kirstyn McDermott) | |
2013 | (Sky) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2012 | (The Past is a Bridge Best Left Burnt) (Paul Haines) | |
2011 | (The Company Articles of Edward Teach) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
2010 | (Wives) (Paul Haines) | |
2009 | (Painlessness) (Kirstyn McDermott) | |
2008 | (A lady of Adestan) (Cat Sparks) | |
2007 | (The Devil in Mr Pussy) (Paul Haines) | |
2006 | (The Grinding House) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2005 | (The Last Days of Kali Yuga) (Paul Haines) | |
2004 | (La Sentinelle) (Lucy Sussex) |
2024 | (Jimmy Flip Brings His Little One to Work, and It Comes My Turn to Hold It) (C. H. Pearce) | |
2023 | (Everything so slow and quiet) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2022 | (The King in Yella) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2021 | (The Calenture) (Kaaron Warren ) | |
2020 | (Whom My Soul Loves) (Riqva Rafael) | |
2019 | (The Heart of Owl Abbas) (Kathleen Jennings) | |
2018 | (A Pearl Beyond Price) (Janeen Webb) | |
2017 | (No Fat Chicks) (Cat Sparks) | |
2016 | (A Hedge of Yellow Roses) (Kathleen Jennings) | |
2015 | (The Seventh Relic) (Cat Sparks) | |
2014 | (Scarp) (Cat Sparks) | |
2013 | (The Wisdom of Ants) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
2012 | (The Patrician) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2011 | (She Said) (Kirstyn McDermott) | |
(All the Love in the World ) (Cat Sparks) ex-aequos | ||
2010 | (Prosperine When It Sizzles) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2009 | (The Goosle) (Margo Lanagan) | |
(This Is Not My Story) (Dirk Flinthart) ex-aequos | ||
2008 | (The Dark and what it Said) (Rick Kennett) | |
2007 | (The Fear of White) (Rjurik Davidson) | |
2006 | (Fresh Young Widow) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2005 | (Singing my Sisters Down) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2004 | (Room for Improvement) (Trudi Canavan) | |
2003 | (King of all and the metal sentinel) (Deborah Biancotti) | |
2002 | (The diamond pit) (Jack Dann) | |
(Absolute uncertainly) (Lucy Sussex) ex-aequos | ||
2001 | (The saltimbanques) (Terry Dowling) | |
(The devotee) (Stephen Dedman) ex-aequos | ||
2000 | Ecrit dans le sang (Written in blood) (Chris Lawson) | |
1999 | (The truth about Weena) (David J. Lake) | |
1998 | (Niagara falling) (Janeen Webb et Jack Dann) | |
1997 | (The Sword of God) (Russell Blackford) | |
1996 | (Shr÷dinger's Fridge) (Ian Gunn) | |
1991 | (Alone in his chariot) (Sean McMullen) | |
1990 | (The Quiet Redemption of Andy the House) (Terry Dowling) | |
1989 | (My Lady Tongue) (Lucy Sussex) |