Ce prix a été créé en 1995 par le magazine australien Aurealis, à l'image du prix Locus américain. Les prix sont décernés par un jury. En roman comme en nouvelles, les oeuvres récompensées ont été bien peu traduites en France. Après Greg Egan et Jack Dann, on avait pu découvrir dans les années 2000 Stephen Dedman, Terry Dowling, Leanne Frahm ou Sean Williams, grâce à la revue Ténèbres. Les prix de l'année N sont attribués l'année N+1 et récompensent des oeuvres parues durant l'année N.
2023 | (Once We Flew) (Nikky Lee) | |
2022 | (Resembling Lepus) (Amanda Kool) | |
2021 | (Preserved in Amber) (Samantha Murray) | |
2020 | (The Weight of the Air, The Weight of the World) (T. R. Napper) | |
2019 | (Scapes Made Diamond) (Shauna O'Meara) | |
2018 | (Icefall) (Stephanie Gunn) | |
2017 | (Girl Reporter) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2016 | (Salto Mortal) (Nick T. Chan) | |
2015 | (By Frogsled and Lizardback to Outcast Venusian Lepers) (Garth Nix) |
2023 | (Customer Service) (Emily Wyeth) | |
(Hollywood Animals) (Corey J. White) ex-aequos | ||
2022 | (As Though I Were a Little Sun) (Grace Chan) | |
2021 | (Relict: (noun) A Widow; a Thing Remaining From the Past) (Alison Goodman) | |
2020 | (Mary, Mary) (Fiona Bell) | |
2019 | (Wreck Diving) (Joanne Anderton) | |
2018 | (The Astronaut) (Jen White) | |
2017 | (Conversations with an Armoury) (Garth Nix) | |
2016 | (Of Sight, of Mind, of Heart) (Samantha Murray) | |
2015 | (All the Wrong Places) (Sean Williams) | |
2014 | (Wine, Women and Stars) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
2013 | (Air, Water and the Grove) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2012 | (Significant Dust) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2011 | (Rains of la Strange) (Robert N. Stephenson) | |
2010 | (The Heart of a Mouse) (Kirsten J. Bishop) | |
2009 | (Clockwork, Patchwork and Ravens) (Peter M. Ball) | |
2008 | (The Empire) (Simon Brown) | |
2007 | (Hollywood Roadkill) (Cat Sparks) | |
2006 | (The Seventh Letter) (Sean Williams) | |
2005 | (Slow and Ache) (Trent Jamieson) | |
2004 | (Come to Daddy) (Brendan Duffy) | |
2003 | (Louder Echo) (Brendan Duffy) | |
2002 | Jusqu'à la pleine Lune (Walk to the Full Moon) (Sean McMullen) | |
2001 | (The Weatherboard Spaceship) (Adam Browne) | |
2000 | (Infinite monkey) (Damien Broderick) | |
1999 | Ecrit dans le sang (Written in blood) (Chris Lawson) | |
1998 | (The truth about Weena) (David J. Lake) | |
1997 | (Niagara falling) (Jack Dann et Janeen Webb) | |
1996 | (Borderline) (Leanne Frahm) | |
1995 | Radieux (Luminous) (Greg Egan) |
2023 | (Gate Sinister) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2022 | (Winterbloom) (Kirstyn McDermott) | |
2021 | (Bones of the Sea) (Amy Laurens) | |
2020 | (Dingo & Sister) (Nikky Lee) | |
2019 | (Scapes Made Diamond) (Shauna O'Meara) | |
2018 | (The Staff in the Stone) (Garth Nix) | |
2017 | (In Shadows we Fall) (Devin Madson) | |
2016 | (Forfeit) (Andrea K. Host) | |
2015 | (Defy the Grey Kings) (Jason Fischer) |
2023 | (12 Days of Witchmas) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2022 | (The Icecutter’s Daughter) (Aiki Flinthart) | |
2021 | (So-called Bin Chicken) (E. J. Delaney) | |
2020 | (Truth Be Told) (Louise Pieper) | |
2019 | (Dragon by Subscription) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2018 | (The Further Shore) (J Ashley Smith) | |
2017 | (The Curse is Come Upon Me, Cried) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2016 | (Where the Pelican Builds Her Nest) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
2015 | (The Giant's Lady) (Rowena Cory Daniells) | |
2014 | (St Dymphna's School for Poison Girls) (Angela Slatter) | |
2013 | (The Last Stormdancer) (Jay Kristoff) | |
2012 | (Bajazzle) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2011 | (Fruit of the Pipal Tree ) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
2010 | (Yowie) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
(The February Dragon) ( Hannett Ll et Angela Slatter) ex-aequos | ||
2009 | (Once a Month, On a Sunday) (Ian McHugh) | |
(Father's Kill) (Christopher Green) ex-aequos | ||
2008 | (Sammarynda Deep) (Cat Sparks) | |
2007 | (Sir Hereward and Mister Fitz go to the War again) (Garth Nix) | |
2006 | (A Fine Magic) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2005 | (The Greater Death of Saito Saku) (Richard Harland) | |
(Once Giants Roamed the Earth) (Rosaleen Love) ex-aequos | ||
2004 | (Weavers of Twilight) (Louise Katz) | |
(Catabolic Magic) (Richard Harland) ex-aequos | ||
2003 | (La sentinelle) (Lucy Sussex) | |
2001 | (The Woman of Endor) (Sue Isle) | |
2000 | (The world according to Kipling (A plain tale from the hills)) (Geoffrey Maloney) | |
1999 | La rumeur des enfants de la brume (Whispers of the mist children) (Trudi Canavan) | |
1998 | (A walk-on part in the war) (Stephen Dedman) | |
1997 | (Merlusine) (Lucy Sussex) | |
1996 | (The sword of god) (Russell Blackford) | |
1995 | (Harvest Bay) (Karen Attard) |
2023 | (Quicksilver) (J. S. Breukelaar) | |
2022 | (Kookaburra Cruel) (Aaron Dries) | |
2021 | (All The Long Way Down) (Alf Simpson) | |
2020 | (The Saltbush Queen) (Chris Mason) | |
2019 | (Into Bones Like Oil) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2018 | (Crisis Apparition) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2017 | (The Stainwell) (Chris Mason) | |
2016 | (Burnt Sugar) (Kirstyn McDermott) | |
2015 | (The Miseducation of Mara Lys) (Deborah Kalin) |
2023 | (Death Interrupted) (Pamela Jeffs) | |
2022 | (They Call Me Mother) (Geneve Flynn) | |
2021 | (Don’t Look!) (Lisa Fuller) | |
2020 | (Phoenix Pharmaceuticals) (Jessica Nelson-Tyers) | |
2019 | Vivienne and Agnes (Chris Mason) | |
2018 | (Sub-Urban) (Alfie Simpson) | |
2017 | (Old Growth) (J. Ashley Smith) | |
2016 | (Flame Trees) (T.R. Napper) | |
2015 | (Bullets) (Joanne Anderton) | |
2014 | Retour au foyer (Home and Hearth) (Angela Slatter) | |
2013 | (The Year of Ancient Ghosts) (Kim Wilkins) | |
2012 | (Sky ) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2011 | (The Short Go: a Future in Eight Seconds) (Lisa L. Hannett) | |
(The Past is a Bridge Best Left Burnt) (Paul Haines) ex-aequos | ||
2010 | (The Fear) (Richard Harland) | |
2009 | (Slice of Life - A Spot of Liver) (Paul Haines) | |
(Wives) (Paul Haines) ex-aequos | ||
2008 | (Painlessness) (Kristyn McDermott) | |
2007 | (The Jeweller of Second-Hand Roe) (Anna Tambour) | |
2006 | (Dead of Winter) (Stephen Dedman) | |
2005 | (Pater Familias) (Lee Batterby) | |
2004 | (The Last Days of Kali Yuga) (Paul Haines) | |
2003 | (Love is a stone) (Simon Brown) | |
2002 | (Oracle) (Kim Westwood) | |
2001 | (Sleight of Hand) (Simon Haynes) | |
2000 | (The First and Final Game) (Deborah Biancotti) | |
1999 | (Atrax ) (Sean Williams et Simon Brown) | |
1998 | (A positive) (Kaaron Warren) | |
1997 | (Jenny come play) (Terry Dowling) | |
1996 | (Passing the bone) (Sean Williams) | |
1995 | (Olympia) (Francis Payne) |
2023 | (Follow The Water) (J. Palmer) | |
2022 | (Tastes like Home) (Kiera Lesley) | |
2021 | (Don’t Look!) (Lisa Fuller ) | |
2020 | (Dingo & Sister) (Nikky Lee) | |
2019 | (The Jindabyne Secret) (Jo Hart) | |
2018 | (The Sea-Maker of Darmid Bay) (Shauna O'Meara) | |
2017 | (Girl Reporter) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2016 | (Pretty Jennie Greenteeth) (Leife Shallcross) | |
2015 | (The Miseducation of Mara Lys) (Deborah Kalin) | |
2014 | (Vanilla) (Dirk Flinthart) | |
2013 | (By Bone-Light) (Juliet Marillier) | |
2012 | (The Wisdom of Ants) (Thoraiya Dyer) | |
2011 | (Nation of the Night ) (Sue Isle) | |
2010 | (A Thousand Flowers) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2009 | (Seventeen) (Cat Sparks) | |
2008 | (Cracks) (Trent Jamieson) | |
2007 | (A Scar for Leida) (Deborah Biancotti) | |
2006 | (Woolvs in the Sitee) (Margaret Wild et Anne Spudvilas) | |
(The True Story of Mary who Wanted to Stand on her Head) (Jane Godwin) ex-aequos | ||
2005 | (Nicholas Sayre and the Creature in the Case) (Garth Nix) | |
2004 | (Singing my Sister Down) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2003 | (non attribué) | |
2002 | (non attribué) | |
2001 | (Dreamwalker) (Isobelle Carmody) | |
2000 | (The queen's notice) (Margo Lanagan) | |
1999 | (non attribué) | |
1998 | (non attribué) | |
1997 | (The twist in the tale) (Ruth Starke) | |
1996 | (Green monkey dreams) (Isobelle Carmody) | |
1995 | (non attribué) |
2023 | (Firelight) (John Morrissey) | |
2022 | (Here be Leviathans) (Chris Flynn) | |
2021 | (The Gulp) (Alan Baxter) | |
2020 | (The Heart is a Mirror for Sinners and Other Stories) (Angela Slatter) | |
2019 | (Collision: Stories) (J S Breukelaar) | |
2018 | (Tales from The Inner City) (Shaun Tan) | |
2017 | (The Silver Well) (Kate Forsyth et Kim Wilkins) | |
2016 | (A Feast of Sorrows) (Angela Slatter) | |
2015 | (To Hold the Bridge) (Garth Nix) | |
2014 | (The Female Factory) (Lisa L. Hannett et Angela Slatter) | |
2013 | (The Bone Chime Song and Other Stories) (Joanne Anderton) | |
2012 | (That Book Your Mad Ancestor Wrote) (Kirsten J. Bishop) | |
2011 | (Bluegrass Symphony ) (Lisa Hannett) | |
2010 | (The Girl With No Hands) (Angela Slatter) | |
2009 | (Oceanic) (Greg Egan) |
2023 | (The Book of Witches) (Jonathan Strahan) | |
2022 | (This All Come Back Now) (Mykaela Saunders) | |
2021 | (Relics, Wrecks & Ruins) (Aiki Flinthart) | |
2020 | (Rebuilding Tomorrow) (Tsana Dolichva) | |
2019 | (Mission: Critical) (Jonathan Strahan) | |
2018 | (The Best Science Fiction & Fantasy of the Year) (Jonathan Strahan) | |
2017 | (Infinity Wars) (Jonathan Strahan) | |
2016 | (Year’s Best YA Speculative Fiction 2015) (Alisa Krasnostein et Julia Rios) | |
2015 | (Bloodlines) (Amanda Pillar) | |
2014 | (Kaleidoscope) (Alisa Krasnostein et Julia Rios) | |
2013 | (The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror) (Liz Grzyb et Talie Helene) | |
(One Small Step: An Anthology of Discoveries) (Tehani Wessley) ex-aequos | ||
2012 | (The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Six) (Jonathan Strahan) | |
2011 | (Ghosts by Gaslight) (Jack Dann et Nick Gevers) | |
2010 | (Wings of Fire) (Jonathan Strahan et Marianne S. Jablon) | |
2009 | (Eclipse 3) (Jonathan Strahan) |