Ce prix a été créé en 1995 par le magazine australien Aurealis, à l'image du prix Locus américain. Les prix sont décernés par un jury. En roman comme en nouvelles, les oeuvres récompensées ont été bien peu traduites en France. Après Greg Egan et Jack Dann, on avait pu découvrir dans les années 2000 Stephen Dedman, Terry Dowling, Leanne Frahm ou Sean Williams, grâce à la revue Ténèbres. Les prix de l'année N sont attribués l'année N+1 et récompensent des oeuvres parues durant l'année N.
2023 | (Time of the Cat) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2022 | (36 Streets) (T. R. Napper) | |
2021 | (Waking Romeo) (Kathryn Barker) | |
2020 | (Repo Virtual) (Corey J. White) | |
(The Animals in That Country) (Laura Jean McKay) ex-aequos | ||
2019 | Aurora Squad - Episode_01 (Aurora Rising) (Amie Kaufman et Jay Kristoff) | |
2018 | (Lifel1k3) (Jay Kristoff) | |
2017 | (From the Wreck) (Jane Rawson) | |
2016 | Dossier Gemina (GEMINA (Illuminae 2)) (Amie Kaufman et Jay Kristoff) | |
2015 | Dossier Alexander (Illuminae) (Amie Kaufman et Jay Kristoff) | |
2014 | (Peacemaker) (Marianne de Pierres) | |
2013 | (Lexicon) (Max Barry) | |
2012 | Au service surnaturel de sa majesté (The Rook) (Daniel O'Malley) | |
2011 | (The Courier’s New Bicycle ) (Kim Westwood) | |
2010 | (Transformation Space) (Marianne de Pierres) | |
2009 | (Wonders of a Godless World) (Andrew McGahan) | |
2008 | (Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait) (K.A. Bedford) | |
2007 | (The Company of the Dead) (David Kowalkski) | |
2006 | (K-Machines) (Damien Broderick) | |
2005 | (Eclipse) (K.A. Bedford) | |
2004 | (Less Than Human) (Maxine McArthur) | |
2003 | (Fallen Gods) (Jon Blum et Kate Orman) | |
2002 | (Transcension) (Damien Broderick) | |
2001 | (The dark imbalance) (Sean Williams et Shane Dix) | |
2000 | (The Miocene arrow) (Sean McMullen) | |
1999 | Teranesia (Teranesia) (Greg Egan) | |
1998 | L'empire du centurion (The centurion's empire) (Sean McMullen) | |
1997 | (The white abacus) (Damien Broderick) | |
1996 | (Metal fatigue) (Sean Williams) | |
1995 | L'énigme de l'univers (Distress) (Greg Egan) |
2023 | (The Will of the Many) (James Islington) | |
2022 | (Path of Thorns) (Angela Slatter) | |
2021 | Dark Rise (Dark Rise) (C. S. Pacat) | |
2020 | Les Libraires gauchers de Londres (The Left-Handed Booksellers of London) (Garth Nix) | |
2019 | (Angel Mage) (Garth Nix) | |
2018 | (The Witch Who Courted Death) (Maria Lewis) | |
(City of Lies) (Sam Hawke) ex-aequos | ||
2017 | (Godsgrave) (Jay Kristoff) | |
2016 | (Nevernight) (Jay Kristoff) | |
2015 | (Day Boy) (Trent Jamieson) | |
2014 | (Dreamer's Pool) (Juliet Marillier) | |
2013 | (A Crucible of Souls) (Mitchell Hogan) | |
2012 | (Sea Hearts) (Margo Lanagan) | |
2011 | (Ember and Ash) (Pamela Freeman) | |
2010 | (Power and Majesty) (Tansy Rayner Roberts) | |
2009 | L'apprentie du magicien (Magician's Apprentice) (Trudi Canavan) | |
2008 | Eon et le douzième dragon (The Two Pearls of Wisdom) (Alison Goodman) | |
2007 | Le Fil du destin (Heaven's Net is Wide) (Lian Hearn) | |
2006 | (Wilwood Dancing) (Juliet Marillier) | |
2005 | (Blade of Fortriu) (Juliet Marillier) | |
2004 | (The Crook Letter) (Sean Williams) | |
2003 | Abhorsën (Abhorsen [The old Kingdom Trilogy - 3]) (Garth Nix) | |
2002 | (The storm weaver and the sand) (Sean Williams) | |
2001 | (The wounded hawk) (Sara Douglass) | |
2000 | Fils de l'ombre (Son of the Shadows) (Juliet Marillier) | |
1999 | (Aramaya) (Jane Routley) | |
1998 | (Fire angels) (Jane Routley) | |
(A dark winter) (Dave Luckett) ex-aequos | ||
1997 | L'envoutée (The infernal) (Kim Wilkins) | |
1996 | Tranchant d'acier + Envoûteur + L'homme étoile (Trilogie d'Axis) (Enchanter and starman : The Axis trilogy) (Sara Douglass) | |
The memory cathedral (Jack Dann) ex-aequos | ||
1995 | Sabriël (Sabriel) (Garth Nix) |
2023 | (Bunny) (S. E. Tolse) | |
2022 | (The Stone Road) (Trent Jamieson) | |
2021 | (Holly and the Nobodies) (Ben Pienaar) | |
2020 | (None Shall Sleep) (Ellie Marney) | |
2019 | (The Rich Man’s House) (Andrew McGahan) | |
2018 | (Tide of Stone) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2017 | (Soon) (Lois Murphy) | |
2016 | (The Grief Hole) (Kaaron Warren) | |
2015 | (Day Boy) (Trent Jamieson) | |
2014 | (Razorhurst) (Justine Larbalestier) | |
2013 | (Fairytales for Wilde Girls) (Allyse Near) | |
2012 | (Perfections) (Kristyn McDermott) | |
2011 | (non attribué) | |
2010 | (Madigan Mine) (Kirstyn McDermott) | |
2009 | (Red Queen) (Honey Brown) | |
2008 | (The Seance) (John Harwood) | |
2007 | (Blood of Dreams) (Susan Parisi) | |
2006 | (Prismatic) (Edwina Grey) | |
(The Pilo Family Circus) (Will Elliott) ex-aequos | ||
2005 | (non attribué) | |
2004 | (The Black Crusade) (Richard Harland) | |
2003 | (Born of the Sea) (Victor Kelleher) | |
2002 | (The white body od evening) (A.L. McCann) | |
2001 | (Angel of ruin) (Kim Wilkins) | |
2000 | (The resurrectionists) (Kim Wilkins) | |
1999 | (Foreign devils) (Christine Harris) | |
1998 | (non attribué) | |
1997 | L'envoutée (The infernal) (Kim Wilkins) | |
1996 | (non attribué) | |
1995 | (An intimate knowledge of the night) (Terry Dowling) |
2023 | (When Ghosts Call Us Home) (Katya de Becerra) | |
2022 | Seul un monstre... (Only a Monster) (Vanessa Len) | |
2021 | (Waking Romeo) (Kathryn Barker) | |
2020 | (The Erasure Initiative) (Lili Wilkinson) | |
2019 | Aurora Squad - Episode_01 (Aurora Rising) (Amie Kaufman et Jay Kristoff) | |
2018 | (Catching Teller Crow) (Ambelin Kwaymullina et Ezekiel Kwaymullina) | |
2017 | (In the Dark Spaces) (Cally Black) | |
2016 | Le Club des mauvais jours (Lady Helen and the Dark Days Pact) (Alison Goodman) | |
2015 | (In the Skin of a Monster) (Kathryn Barker) | |
2014 | (The Cracks in the Kingdom) (Jacklyn Moriarty) | |
2013 | (Fairytales for Wilde Girls) (Allyse Near) | |
(These Broken Stars) (Amie Kaufman et Meagan Spooner) ex-aequos | ||
2012 | (Sea Hearts) (Margo Lanagan) | |
(Dead, Actually) (Kaz Delaney) ex-aequos | ||
2011 | (Only Ever Allways) (Penny Russon) | |
2010 | (Guardian of the Dead) (Karen Healey) | |
2009 | Leviathan (Leviathan Trilogy: Book One) (Scott Westerfeld) | |
2008 | (Finnikin of the Rock) (Melina Marchetta) | |
2007 | (Skyfall) (Anthony Eaton) | |
2006 | L'Enfant trouvé (Monster Blood Tattoo Book One: Foundling) (D. M. Cornish) | |
2005 | (Alyzon Whitestarr) (Isobelle Carmody) | |
2004 | L'heure secrète (Midnighters: The secret Hour) (Scott Westerfeld) | |
2003 | Liu et le vieux dragon (Dragonkeeper) (Carole Wilkinson) | |
Abhorsën (Abhorsen [The old Kingdom Trilogy - 3]) (Garth Nix) ex-aequos | ||
2002 | (The hand of glory) (Sophie Masson) | |
2001 | (The other face of Janus) (Louise Katz) | |
2000 | (Thursday's child) (Sonya Hartnett) | |
1999 | (A Dark Victory) (Dave Luckett) | |
1998 | (Singing the dogstar blues) (Alison Goodman) | |
1997 | (Eye to eye) (Catherine Jinks) | |
(Greylands) (Isobelle Carmody) ex-aequos | ||
1996 | (The broken wheel) (Kerry Greenwood) | |
(Mirror, mirror) (Hillary Bell) ex-aequos | ||
1995 | Sabriël (Sabriel) (Garth Nix) | |
(Deucalion) (Brian Caswell) ex-aequos |