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Bibliographies de l'imaginaire (SF, fantasy, merveilleux, fantastique, horreur, étrange) -
Ecrire à BDFI pour compléments & corrections.
Céline Thomas
France (née le 08/05/1983)
Recueils, anthologies, collectes, omnibus...
Nouvelles et courts romans
- Les contes d'Astaffort (2016)
in Les Vilains Contes - #1, L'ivre-Book, Imaginarium Fantastique (numérique), 2016.
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Skitswish [*] (2016) [Court roman]
Nutty Sheep, 2017.
- Le Prix du bélier [Skitswish - 1] (2016)
L'ivre-Book, La Romance (numérique), 2016.
- Le Vol de la chauve-souris [Skitswish - 2] (2016)
L'ivre-Book, La Romance (numérique), 2016.
- Quand vient le coyote [Skitswish - 3] (2016)
L'ivre-Book, La Romance (numérique), 2016.
- Clinique (2017)
in Nutty Wolves, Nutty Sheep, 2017.
in Nutty Wolves, Nutty Sheep, 2020.
- Lunar Corp (2017) [Court roman]
Nutty Sheep, 2017.
- Pine Creek (2017)
in Nutty Vampires, Nutty Sheep, 2017.
- K.O.F. (2018)
in Crappy Heroes, Nutty Sheep, 2018.
- Wòdka (2018)
in Nutty Steam, Nutty Sheep, 2018 (rééd. 2020)
- Last Hope [Simiutopia - 1] (2018) [Court roman]
Nutty Sheep, 2018.
- Blink (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Cavité (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- E.T.A.N. (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Jungle (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- La Petite Maison de la banshee (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Nick et Levrette (2019)
in Nutty Shades of Sheep, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Nous l'appellerons paradoxe (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- OLM© (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Opacity (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Placide (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Sti (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Visiteur (2019)
in Microcosm, Nutty Sheep, 2019.
- Ouroboros (2020)
in Uraeus, Nutty Sheep, 2020.
- We'll burn the sky (2020)
in Dimension rock, Black Coat Press, Rivière Blanche, Fusée n° 94, 2020.
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